Show us some love for the FedEx Small Business Award!


Thank you to everyone who has eaten birthday cake with us to celebrate our third birthday and Bruce's 80th! :)
We want to reach out to you for help with a grant that will help us serve you better and serve you more (cake). FedEx is generously running a Small Business Grant contest, and with your support we could be lucky enough to win one of the top prizes. 

The grant will help us grow our business faster. We've been filling your bellies for over 3 years and it's time to grow. We would love to move to a bigger space and invest in better equipment. We want to offer more delicious pastries to you! We want to upgrade our equipment and enlarge our space to make it easier and more enjoyable for our staff to work. With the help of the FedEx grant, we can grow our team and help train and develop the next wave of great pastry professionals in our city, while serving you their creations.

Most of all we'd love to keep making you smile when you come in.

Voting is open until Sunday, May 13th, and you can vote once a day until then. Please share with your family and friends, and make sure everyone votes daily. We would love to get this grant and share the delicious win with you!

Click here to go to the FedEx voting page. It will ask you for your name and email address, but the process is fully secure and you'll never get any spam.

Thank you!


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